A Massive Summer in Malmö

It’s summer in Sweden, which means vacation time! But you don’t have to travel far for amazing culture, food, and sights – we have them here right in Malmö. Join us on a Massive tour of some of our favorite spots in our beautiful city!

Welcome to Malmö – home to Massive and one of the most dynamic, international, and innovative cities in Sweden. Malmö is all about experiences – be it food, art, music, or games – and the city is full of people who love creating these experiences for others.

Because of this, Malmö is the perfect place for anyone who wants to see some cool sights, eat amazing food from all over the world, visit the Ribban beach, or check out the beautiful parks and architecture which can be found around almost every corner.

So, what does Malmö in the summer look like? Check out the video below for a guided tour of some of our favorite spots!

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